Selasa, 29 September 2015

Dilema Kuota Haji

(10 negara dengan kuota terbesar - 2015)

Mungkin tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa ada dilema dalam menentukan besarnya kuota dalam penyelenggaraan ibadah haji:
  1. kuota kecil, lebih aman, tetapi antrian panjang
  2. kuota besar, tanpa antrian atau antrian pendek, tetapi menimbulkan resiko yang lebih besar
Sebagai reaksi atas berbagai insiden haji: 
telah dilakukan berbagai peningkatan fasilitas:
  1. Perluasan Masjidil Haram:
  2. Peluasan tempat lempar jumrah:   dan
  3. Pembangunan jalur kereta dari Arafah ke Mina:
tetapi tetap saja bahwa fasilitas besar yang sudah dibangun tersebut memiliki keterbatasan, sehingga diambil kuota yang tidak terlalu kecil dan juga tidak terlampau besar, menyesuaikan daya tampung dari tempat (fasilitas) tersebut. Kuota tersebut masih dianggap aman, tetapi belakangan muncul juga insiden mina, insiden ini diakibatkan oleh penumpukan jamaah di suatu titik (tempat). Inisiden ini bukan diakibatkan oleh fasilitas/tempat yang tidak mencukupi tetapi karena kedisiplinan para jamaah, untuk datang/melewati tempat tersebut sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan, bukan menjadi rahasia bila sebagian dari kita bukan orang-orang  yang tertib dalam hal mengantri.

Arrangement and facilities: arrangements each year for the growing number of pilgrims poses a logistic challenge for the government of Saudi Arabia who has, since the 1950s, spent more than $100 billion to increase pilgrimage facilities. Major issues like housing, transportation, sanitation, and health care have been addressed and improved greatly by the government by introducing various development programs, with the result that pilgrims now enjoy modern facilities and perform various rites at ease. The Saudi government often sets quota for various countries to keep the pilgrims' number at a manageable level, and arranges huge security forces and CCTV cameras to maintain overall safety during Hajj.

kutipan dari :
Critics say that the Saudi government should have done more to prevent such tragedies. The Saudi government insists that any such mass gatherings are inherently dangerous and difficult to handle, and that they have taken a number of steps to prevent the problems.

One of the biggest steps, which is also controversial, is a new system of registrations, passports, and travel visas to control the flow of pilgrims. This system is designed to encourage and accommodate first-time visitors to Mecca, while restricting repeat visits. Pilgrims who have the means and desire to perform the Hajj several times have protested what they see as discrimination, but the Hajj Commission has stated that they see no alternative if further tragedies are to be prevented.

Following the 2004 stampede, Saudi authorities embarked on major construction work in and around the Jamarat Bridge area. Additional accessways, footbridges, and emergency exits were built, and the three cylindrical pillars were replaced with concrete walls to enable more pilgrims simultaneous access to them without the jostling and fighting for position of recent years. The government has also announced a multi-million-dollar project to expand the bridge to five levels; the project is planned for completion in time for the 1427 AH (Dec. 2006 – Jan. 2007) Hajj. Following the 2006 incident, the Jamaraat Bridge and the pillars representing Satan were demolished and reconstructed. A wider, multi-level bridge was built, and massive columns replaced the pillars themselves. Now, each level of the bridge allows easier and safer access to the columns representing Satan. In addition, the stoning ceremony must be carried out according to pre-determined schedules to prevent over-crowding and the attendant risks. The Jamarat basin has been expanded from its current circular shape into an oval to allow better access to the pillars. The new arrangements provide for separate access and departure routes. However, a security breakdown is mentioned as cause for the 2015 stampede. A group of pilgrims who had cast their own stones and were returning to their camp, instead of taking the route designated for returning pilgrims, they stubbornly took the route meant for those who were coming and crossed the other group of pilgrims heading straight to the jamaraat


  1. kuota yang diberikan sekarang untuk Indonesia ini sering dianggap kurang besar, hal ini dapat dilihat dari adanya antrian di beberapa daerah yang mencapai hingga belasan tahun.
  2. Kuotanya adalah 700.000 jamaah lokal dan 1,3 juta dari negara lain, pemerintah Saudi biasanya menetapkan kuota 1000 orang untuk setiap juta Muslim per negara
  3. Untuk pengaturan penonton puluhan ribu orang di stadion sepak bola saja kadang sulit, apalagi mengatur jutaan orang (jemaah haji)
  4. Kalau jaman dulu jamaah melakukan perjalanan beresiko tinggi : 
    - naik kapal berbulan-bulan, kalau dari Indonesia harus melewati samudera hindia.

    - pejalanan di tengah gurun pasir yg bersuhu ekstrem, dulu baget bahkan naik onta, 

    benar-benar perjuangan dengan pengorbanan harta dan mungkin jiwa. 

    kalo jaman sekarang perjuangannya terletak pada padatnya jamah (desak-desakan) yang juga kadang menimbulkan korban, p
    adahal sudah dibatasi kutotanya.
  5. Haji yg sunnah (ke-2 dst) sebaiknya berfikir ulang.
  6. Tidak menjadi masalah bagi yg meninggal urusan dunianya sudah selesai, in syaa Allah mereka bahagia di alam kubur. Masalah muncul bagi yang ditinggalkan, semoga mereka tabah dan ikhlas
  7. Beberapa lokasi penting:
    - Masjidil Haram:
    - Tempat lempar jumroh:
    - Masjid Nabawi:

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